The Wheat
Various kinds of hard and soft wheat according to the approved requirements and specifications are imported by Media Star Company from different countries including Germany, France, Russia, Australia and others . The process of importing wheat and other needs and supplies are in many stages, including logistics, insurance, financing and other stages until these supplies reach the company's warehouses and the quality of imported materials are to be followed up and evaluated.
The wheat is stored in specialized silos and its specifications are complied with in accordance with food hygiene standards and conditions. The latest operating techniques and transfers to and from silos are used. The silos are committed to implement the control program and maintain grain stock clean during storage periods.

Equipment and Machines
The company has the best milling technology in the world using the best machines and equipment globally classed by Bühler in order to ensure high quality and cope up with the industrial developments and the advancement of technology for the wheat grinding and flour industry and its derivatives.
The Yemen Company for Flour Mills and Grain Silos uses treated water for industrial and practical purposes. The water is treated through a desalination plant and a number of filters that regulate the specifications of water entering the production processes according to the sanitary standards and requirements of the food industries.

Power station
The company has a power station to provide its needs to operate all the various production and operational process.